Thursday, February 05, 2004


from the times:
President Bush condemned the Massachusetts court ruling on gay marriage on Wednesday, and conservative groups said the White House had informed them that the president would soon endorse efforts to pass an amendment to the United States Constitution defining marriage to be between a man and a woman.

As a married man, i have to thank bush for doing SOMETHING to stop the devaluation of my marriage. do you think he'll go after Britney Spears too? she devalued my marriage with her "i was kidding" deal. OH, and FOX! for "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance"!! they are devaluing my marriage every damn week! WOW, we'll have like a DOZEN new constitutional amendments!

OOH! can i have one that protects me from the dark?

--Mr. Mooch ads that he's single and he's only partially afraid of the dark.

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