Thursday, February 05, 2004

CIA: Iraq was not an Imminent Threat

Amazingly, it seems the press won't be letting bush slide on this one (for now). CIA director George Tenent reveals today that the CIA never claimed that Iraq was an imminent threat.

Now wait a minute. Bush claimed Iraq WAS an imminent threat based on the intelligence he had. Now if the CIA said it didn't come from them, where DID it come from? Two options:

1. It came from the intelligence sub-group that cheney was known to have formed within the intelligence community. They cherry picked the good stuff and left the reality on the cutting room floor.


2. It came from thin air. Bush and Co. made it up.

I believe it could be both, actually. I also believe that this sort of treachery and mendacity has to be exposed. the question is whether the press will fall asleep on this issue as it has done before. I'm hopefull that is not the case.

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