Thursday, February 26, 2004


I just took an overt action to acquire and listen to "baby come back" by Player. I swear this is THE song that soft rock radio was built around.

...The shame....

Speaking of music, I've got a few things on my mind:

*Can't get enough of The Spinners' "The Rubberband Man", recently highlighted in some office depot like commercial.
*I am trying to put together an essay on Memphis without completely or inadvertently stealing the whole thing from the book I'm reading.
*trying to buy FRESH and STAND! by Sly & the Family Stone and no one has them.

and finally, the theme song...anyone that's talked to me for more than a few hours will probably get around to me telling about the opening credits to POLLY AND THE MOOCH. POLLY AND THE MOOCH has a theme song. It's called "Hip Hug Her" by Booker T and the MG's. it is set over our opening credits which i envision as an animated short centered around Mr. Mooch and I joining up in my convertible and driving through downtown jackson. as we stop at each light we see our re-occuring co-stars like La Federala and Gorj. the camera of course freeze-frames on them before we drive on. Now if only i knew someone that could do this in Flash Animation, ohhh.. I don't even like to think about it too much...Mostly because i'm ready to pay someone to make it a reality.

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