Friday, February 20, 2004

Bush in a Freefall?

I hope not because its too early and he has time to bounce back. i want a steady drop. This new poll is out looking at ANY democrat vs. bush:

WH '04 General Election Matchup:

Dem nominee 54%
Bush 37%
Undec. 9%

The same poll shows independants supporting the dem by 61% and (finally) the dems are showing more unity behind their candidate (85%) that the GOP'ers are behind bush (79%).

problem? Well, Bush has had the worst 6 weeks of his political life and he's not started to fight back with money or campaign trash we all know is coming. it may look good, but have no doubt, this race will be hard as hell.

on another note, i think its going to be increasingly hard for him to avoid a push for a Const. Amendment to ban Gay Marriage. you'll know how desperate he is if he pushes for passage BEFORE the eleciton.

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