Thursday, February 09, 2006

Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss

This is pretty funny. Jack Cafferty has had some John Stewart level moments of clarity in reporting the day's news that seem refreshing over at CNN. I love when he just lays it all out there w/o dancing around his words. often Wolf Blitzer is just there, mouth agape at how frank (and right) Cafferty is. Video from today, plus a few cuts about the newly elected Republican House Majority Leader (supposedly elected to help clean up the ethics problems):

Cafferty: These guys are either arrogant or stupid and neither of those is a good thing if you're going to be the House majority leader--am I missing something here? Where's the reform part? I wonder how long this guy is going to last.

Wolf: You did hear Ed Henry say that it is a basement apartment which is not necessarily all that desirable---

Cafferty: Yea...and pigs fly upside down and the moon is made of green cheese and there's no quid pro quo from a lobbyist who is also your landlord. Do I look like I just fell out of the back of a vegetable truck to you?

Wolf: No, you look like Jack Cafferty...

Watch how he makes Wolfie squirm a little.

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