Thursday, February 23, 2006

Any Port in a Storm

As you may have heard, the White House put forth a deal to approve a Dubai corporation's (from the United Arab Emirates--Dubai Port World) assumption of the lease to run 6 major ports in america including: New Orleans, New York, Baltimore, Miami, Philadelphia, and New Jersey.

they would not be in charge of security, but they would be in charge of running the day to day operations of the ports.

The problem is not one of race (i.e. just because this is an arab company). The problem comes from the fact that the company is actually owned by the COUNTRY itself. Two of the 9/11 terrorists came from UAE, but that alone isn't troubling. good and bad people are born to each nation. the problem is that the UAE has a history of turning a blind eye to terrorist fundraising, and in some ways acting as an enabler. They have a history of dabbling with muslim extremists in order to placate the unrest that the royal families may deal with back home. This is a conflict of interest that does not appear to make US port security a priority. There have been reports that the company's ties to a couple of key white house officials were the key to getting the administration's 'OK'.

I don't know if that last part is true. it is believable, but I'm not too concerned, compared to the REAL concern here. It was revealed this week, after a great uproar from Democrats and Republicans alike, that this act, made solely by the white house was one that THE PRESIDENT WAS UNAWARE OF UNTIL THE PRESS BROUGHT IT UP! It wasn't that the man was convinced that we were making the right decisions, and maybe he knew something that put aside the concerns mentioned above and in the linked story. The President didn't even know it had happened. that his office MADE it happen.

This President is asleep at the wheel.

1 comment:

Buck Allred said...

And that's a grave insult to the band!!