Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bring in Tha Carter!

In light of the hearings over the Bush Administration's wiretaps, the senate should bring in the man that signed into law the statute in question. Anybody else watch Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' testimony? I only got bits and pieces. it was pretty lame. he wouldn't even answer simple questions like "do you feel that you guys can go through people's mail under these laws, yes or no?"

He wouldn't even ANSWER that easy question straight! now that's ominous. a few things that bothered me in particular was his willingness to state the administration's past trustworthy behaviour as being a reason to trust them now. this is remarkably difficult to swallow in light of the unabated truth stretching that has gone on. 'trust us' is not a legal document. Another issue that i found alarming was the fact that under the Gonzales outline of how things should work, if an intelligence officer DID find rampant violations of law/civil rights by the NSA, that officer would be bound NOT to tell anyone because of the top secret nature of the work. this goes to the heart of the oversight problem people are objecting about. Gonzales had a response for this to:

"Trust us."

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