Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Your Cliff Notes on the Cheney Secrecy Case

Alright. as you may know, the VP is before the Supreme Court today over whether he has to reveal just who was on his energy commission. I'm gonna give you a quick breakdown of how we got here:

*Judicial Watch (conservative) and the Sierra Club (liberal) wanted to know what was going on in these meetings and who was involved.

*Judicial Watch successfully sued to see who was on the Hillary Clinton Medical Panel and used the same logic here.

*Cheney claimed that this was different because all involved in THIS committee was completely made up of government employees, thus they should not have to make any disclosures about Committee business.

*The Judge said, 'ok, turn over a list of everyone involved' (paraphrased) so we can see that they are Federal Employees.

*Cheney not only says NO WAY, but defies the court order and appeals to the supreme court to keep from following the Judge's order.

So here we are.

So, Mr. Mooch, what's the big deal? If the list comes out and there's Oil Industry execs on it, it will show that Cheney/Bush were lying about who was on the board and letting the industry write the policy. More to the point, it is likely that these very same people (ken lay, enron, etc) were CREATING a fake power shortage in California, and then advising the Pres/VP on ways to "fix" the problem by providing these companies new avenues for profit.

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