Friday, April 16, 2004


Bush has raised an amazing amount of money for his campaign, but he's also blowing right through it. Seems he's spending about $9 Million a week since March. (24 weeks left = $216 Million). he'll spend more as time goes on, and he's not getting much for his money so far. His ratings keep falling and he seems to take one hit after another in the press. so what does his ads do? they're almost entirely Negative against Kerry. He's not saying one positive thing about himself or his own vision when current events seem to show him having no direction on important world events.

83 Americans have died in Iraq in the last 12 days.

A Mississippi man is now a hostage or dead.

Bush cannot even say to whom he'll turn over Iraq on June 30th, but he's dead set on that date.

I just don't know how anyone makes the case for that sort of leadership.

Keep it up bush...we've got an election to win over here on my side...

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