Monday, October 25, 2004

Tons of Iraq explosives missing UPDATE!

Look at this:

A senior administration official told CNN that national security adviser Condoleezza Rice was notified about the missing weapons about a month ago. Iraq Survey Group inspectors are investigating, the official said.

The discovery was not made public sooner because standard intelligence practice is
not to let the enemy know such information, the official said.
if Condasleeza didn't know...she's incompetent. this happened EiGHTTEEN MONTHS AGO. now look how pathetic excuse is unders scrutiny. they say it wasn't made sooner so the enemy could be kept from knowing...knowing WHAT? that THEY HAVE the explosives? um...don't they already know!?! haw haw haw! we're not morons!

Heck...the only one that had this info hidden from them was CONDi RiCE if you believe this spin! Arming the Terrorists...Welcome to Bushworld!

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