Thursday, October 14, 2004

One More Thought...Or Two.

Bush has tried his best to play up to the anti-gay crowd this year. to the extent that he's offered to amend the constitution to make them happy. The fact that he's put his VP through having to support this though his daughter is openly gay seems not to bother him too much. kerry touched on this fact and the GOP spin masters seem to have pounced on this (i guess there's not much else to go on. the polls show kerry killed--again). the are SHOCkED! i tell you...SHOCkED! that he'd DARE mention that Cheney's daughter is gay...let alone stoop to bringing her into the race. This is the spin they're gonna try but i can't see it lasting too long because it re-enforces a fact that they wanna avoid: Cheney's daughter is gay. openly gay. doing gay outreach work gay. that doesn't go over too well at the assembly of god church out in the country.

none the less...they want to act like the family is off limits which isn't true. never has been. (i'll take Hillary for $1000 alex). what HAS been off limits? minor children. of course that never stopped ole RUSH from comparing teenaged Chelsea to a dog...but hey! the thing is that Cheney's daughter is not a child and is specifically attacked by the President's amendment. if they don't want that to be fair game...well...they're playing the wrong game.

Finally...i have to say that the standard 'you're a liberal' crap that you can expect from the GOP just seemed to go no where tonite. bush is used to delivering those lines to adoring crowds who've already signed their loyalty oaths. when delivered to a crowd that's agreed to remain silent followed by (only) his own chuckles...well it looked bad. mabye even artificially bad. if i had to see that boob chuckle and giggle any more...i don't think i could take it. Very Presidential.

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