Monday, August 30, 2004

Oh...I've Got Some Polls for Ya... (NOTE this post held over from 8/18 for obvious reasons)

Kerry leads among all age groups except 30-49 year olds, where the two candidates are pretty much tied. Catholics give Kerry a 50%-37% edge – numbers
more similar to Clinton’s leads in 1992 and 1996 than Al Gore’s 51% to 46% margin in 2000. Protestants are for Bush (57% to 33%), especially on the
strength of the President’s 68% to 20% margin among Born Again Protestants.
While this can be interesting to see...don't be fooled. Presidential elections aren't national elections. they are 50 state elections that happen on the same day. to see where this is really going you have to see the poll numbers in the 'toss up' states.

how's it loo there? good and getting better!

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