Monday, August 30, 2004

BUSH REFUSES TO PRAY!! (NOTE this post held over from 8/18 for obvious reasons)

This is an utter shock. seems bush declined a lady's invite to pray publicly for Oregon's 'unchurched' citizens! what happened?!?!

about a week ago i saw a great interview of Maureen Dowd by Tim Russert. Dowd just wrote a book called 'Bushworld' that i wouldn't mind reading (as a book on tape). during the interview he asked her if Bush was pandering to the religious right.

she said no. He IS the Religious Right. he openly discusses the fact that policy, particularly international policy is shaped by both biblical AND literal 'hand of god' guidance. He uses the language of evangelicals in his speechs not just as a nod to those that are listening but rather just an open display of 'what he is'.

I never thought of it this way and you know...i think she is absolutely right. he's not pandering. he IS the religious right.

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