Friday, January 07, 2005

Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law

Instead of just providing worthwhile programs that could get support honestly, the bush administration (and i mean the taxpayer funded education department) paid $240,000 in secret cash to pundit Armstrong Williams for promoting bush programs on his appearances, as well as for getting other black commentators to promote the bush agenda. about the ethical questions, he had this to say:

"I wanted to do it because it's something I believe in."

Yep. that's right. cash.

Sadly this is a not so uncommon GOP game. try to find someone on the black community to pay off to be on your opposed to just having policies that actually help them. I guess that's too...what's the word? ...oh yeah!


(thanks swirly)


G. E. Light said...

You sure the word isn't "compassionate"!

Polly said...

yup! its that sort of attitude that gets us votes. being open about your beliefs helps other to do the same!