Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Burning the RICE!

While Cona-sleeza Rice will certainly be confirmed as the Next Secretary of State, she did not get an easy ride today. Particularly, the poor job she did in planning for Iraq or preparing for 9/11. This of course dismissed the outright lying she did about Iraq's military threat and the weapons of mass distructions she claimed they had (Disagree with me here? look it up. if you haven't seen the quotes by now, don't bother me for them. they are there and i'm not doing your homework for you anymore at this point).

What it comes down to is that there is a policy failure at the highest level and a refusal to admit this. to further this living in denial is the promotion or subsequent awarding of medals to all those who should bear the responsibility of their own blunders. The Emperor has no clothes.

Some particular biting comments:

Sen. Mark Dayton of Minnesota said Rice "misled the people of Minnesota and Americans everywhere about the situation in Iraq, before and after that war began." He added: "I really don't like being lied to repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally."
The GOP defended her by saying she's great...not wanting to touch the litany of failures under her tenure. I guess that doesn't matter in a GOP job interview.

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