Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Our State of Affairs

On a day where "Deep Throat" (the inside source helping to reveal Nixon's wrong doing and eventually topple the President) was revealed, we stand before a startling contrast with our current press and President. From Salon:

Yesterday morning in the White House Rose Garden, George W. Bush held his first full press conference since the Sunday Times of London revealed that Tony Blair was told in July of 2002 that the Bush administration had decided to use military force to overthrow Saddam Hussein and that 'the intelligence and facts were being fixed' to support that decision.

What did Bush say about the now infamous Downing Street memo at yesterday's news conference? Not a word. Nobody bothered to ask him about it.
So, why the free ride? I believe they see this nation as being in Iraq over a fiction. It is a fiction that you either believe (and you're happy to tell yourself the lie--the pro war crowd) or it is a fiction you are furious to hear (the anti-war movement). I believe that the press treat this as a non-story because its not news that this President took us to war over a pack of lies. Sadly, i believe they don't find it newsworthy because there's enough kool-aid drinkers out there that are just FINE being told lies.

I mean, HELL! its been DECADES since we've been in a war, and i think some Americans think a war of their own is a birthright. their fathers had one and their grandfathers and his father at that. Only this time the conservatives can re-live the war movement of the 60's and rewrite the story. the Hawks get to rule the day this time around, and those protesting doves get to be beaten back into the past. I think that is what this war is about as much as anything else.

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