Sunday, June 12, 2005

Jerry Falwell claims you Choose to be gay...Then talks Himself out of it.

I've seen this many times and never up it on the blog. re-reading it again on Slacktavist made me decide i just HAD to put it up there. behold the master of debate on MSNBC's Hardball w/ Chris Mathews:

MATTHEWS: How did they get to be gay, though?

FALWELL: Well, we probably differ there.

MATTHEWS: I'm asking.

FALWELL: But I think all behavior is chosen.

MATTHEWS: I'm open. I don't know.

FALWELL: I think that --

MATTHEWS: Did you choose to be heterosexual?


MATTHEWS: You chose it? You thought about it and you came up with that solution? That lifestyle?


FALWELL: Put it this way. I was taught as a child that's the right way to --

MATTHEWS: But did you feel an attraction toward women?

FALWELL: Oh, of course.

MATTHEWS: When people are born and they find themselves having an attraction to somebody from the same sex, do you think that's a choice?

FALWELL: I think you can experiment with any kind of perversity and develop an appetite for it, just like you can food.

MATTHEWS: You don't think it's nature? You think it's nurture.

FALWELL: I don't think any -- I don't think anybody is born a bank robber or born a hostile left-winger or a hostile right-winger or gay or a promiscuous heterosexual. I think there comes a time in childhood where environment may be a part of it, whatever, teaching, instruction, one chooses, I will do this or that. And that's why good, godly parenting --

MATTHEWS: How old were you when you chose to be heterosexual?

FALWELL: Oh, I don't remember that.

MATTHEWS: Well, you must, because you say it's a big decision.

FALWELL: Well, I started dating when I was about 13.

MATTHEWS: And you had to decide between boys and girls. And you chose girls.

FALWELL: I never had to decide. I never thought about it.


MATTHEWS: I think it's a ridiculous proposition that you actually sit down and decide. Let me see, boy or girl this week. Anyway --

FALWELL: I don't think anybody does that.

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