Thursday, June 02, 2005

I've got a couple of rants that have been long over due...

I'm sick of the stickers. so many cars, etc. have these yellow ribbon stickers on them today. now, my problem with this has nothing to do with the troops or war, but the laziness of the people using these stickers. Now what do you do to show your solidarity/reverence/rememberance for our troops? you put up a yellow ribbon. ok, so what's made people so lazy that they can't be bothered with using actual RIBBONS but instead must use a STICKER made to look like a ribbon! i mean its like displaying a sticker of a flower for your lapel. how about just using a flower!?

Moreover, these things were designed expecting this nation to be full of morons evidently. i mean they actually put the words "support our troops" on these things, as if you would be simply confounded by this bizzare (generations old symbol). Like your too dumb to know what a ribbon on your car's antenna means.

so what are we really saying here?

"i put this sticker on my car, and by sticker I mean this ribbon (that's really not a ribbon) and by this ribbon, I mean a yellow one, and by yellow I mean that I support our troops, and by troops I mean the ones from the united states, and by the US troops I particularly mean the ones that aren't in america but are infact elswhere, and by elsewhere I mean like dangerous places where people shoot at them...(head explodes)"

anyway, suport our troops, but...awe, you get the point. come on!


Anonymous said...

I just see them as some other form of a w sticker. there needs to be a support the troops not the war polka-dotted bow.

Polly said...

yeah, and you know, i have vastly different feelings about what we're doing in Afganistan vs. what we're doing in Iraq.