Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Phonebook Diaries

Here you go, the finest in BROKEN shrimp. is this speaking of their bodies or their will? La Federala wouldn't buy it, so we'll never know.

**This is me doing a bit of 'catch-up' on a project i'd planned to start a month or so ago. my goal is a semi-regular photo from my day as a Photo-diary of sorts i take these with my cell phone hence the name and (poor) quality. Anyway, these are gonna be daily shots of days past until i use 'em up and catch up.Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

cool! more pictures!! and, go back and buy the shrimp so you can see what's broken in it. that's just odd...


Anonymous said...

oh, totally unrelated: i just got a shirt that has a crazed monkey on it with a caption under him that says " my monkey made me do it." thought you might get a ha-ha out of that.

pinky (again)

Polly said...

Mr. Mooch toasts your Monkey tastes. i have about a dozen more to go so i can catch up. maybe even a picture of Mr. Mooch at the Prom....