Thursday, May 12, 2005

Let's Talk About Just how MUCH of a jerk Pat Robertson is.

So, the weekend before last, Pat Robertson was on THIS WEEK with George Stephanopoulos, and Mr. Robertson offered his often unique, and mostly contorted view of God, more specifically, all the various ways God REALLY wants all the things that Pat wants and--somehow--REALLY HATES all the things Pat Hates (that must be cool)! you want examples...ah...we always have examples here at Polly & the Mooch!

STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, Reverend Robertson, the God you describe is taking a very active, direct role in our lives. One of the earlier clips we showed said you had him saying, "I am removing justices from the Supreme Court," and I'm just wondering why does a God who is so involved in our daily life, so directly involved, allow something like a tsunami to kill several hundred thousand people in Asia?

ROBERTSON: I don't think He [God] reverses the laws of nature. The reason for that tsunami was the shifting of tectonic plates in the Indian Ocean. I don't think he changes the magma in volcanoes and I don't think he changes the wind currents to bring about hurricanes. So, I don't attribute that to God, or his lack, or otherwise. But in terms of human affairs, I do think he answers prayer and I think there have been literally millions of people praying for a change in the Supreme Court. The people of faith in this country feel they're on a tyranny and they see their liberties taken away from them and they've been beseeching God, fasting, and praying for years. So, I think he hears and answers their prayers.

So let's get this straight Pat...God can let a few hundred thousand die in a Tsunami, but--DAMNIT!--he won't STAND for a Supreme court that you don't like? gotcha. Glad you and I don't worship the same god, cause yours sounds like crap.

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