Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Time for Leadership

What is inexcusable is the administration's continuing failure to confront the grim reality and remold policies to make the best of this sow's ear. The delay in gearing up to get the trainers, uniforms, weapons and money that Iraqi security forces need has meant that not a single Iraqi police officer is fully trained and street-ready. The Iraqi army was disbanded with nary a thought to the security vacuum this would create. Our NATO "allies" still are haggling over a skeleton force of 300 military trainers that have yet to arrive in Iraq. Scores of willing police recruits continue to die unnecessarily because of the failure to build secure barriers around recruitment centers.

...Then Kerry Moves
Democratic challenger John F. Kerry plans an aggressive attack on President Bush
and his policies in Iraq, seeking to put the president on the defensive over an issue that has plagued Kerry's candidacy for months. Bush has tried to emphasize Iraq's progress toward democracy, but events there have undermined that message in a week that has included car bombs, kidnappings and more U.S. casualties. Kerry advisers said they have concluded that they must engage directly on the issue of Iraq, despite their hopes of shifting attention to the economy, health care and other domestic issues, and say that renewed concerns among the American public about the situation in Iraq provide a fresh opening to challenge Bush more directly.

There's an opening here for Kerry on iraq if he wants it. the press is somewhat bewildered by the near blindman view of the scene from our president.

He has his eyes firmly down the road where Iraq has its first free elections. the only problem is the he hasn't look down to see that the wheel's have shot off the car and its not moving. actually, it is. its rolling backwards down the hill.

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