Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Bush Hates the 1st Amendment?

Well seems that way. if you heard the chickenhawk-in-chief lately you've heard him lament the '527s'. they're all so BAAAD! well what are they anyway?

527 refers to the section of the code that HE passed into law. it lets citizens or independent groups of citizens spend what they like to say what they want. (you may have heard this called 'free speech' as early as the 6th grade).

Well, Bush doesn't like them. they've been attacking him pretty hard this year and he doesn't like it. the GOP has a few but not many.

Why you ask? well see they held back in creating them because they were fighting a legal battle to disallow them completely. somehow the courts thought this 'free speech' thing hadn't passed its prime and the GOP lost.

now they've been playing catch up, and not doing to well...except for the SWIFTBOAT business that's been all over the news.

Well, as you can read here, the President has JUST FILED A LAWSUIT to forbid private citizens from using their own money to express their opinion about American politics! From the guy that SUED his way into the White House (um...think about it. he sued to FORCE florida to STOP doing the recount that was required by law. the same recount that put Gore in the lead using ANY criteria when redone by independent groups).

Now we get a lawsuit to stop the 1st Amendment!

What a patriot.

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