Thursday, September 23, 2004

A Tight Squeeze.

we decided to get a new refrigerator. little did i suspect that i'd be cutting away counter tops and baseboards just to fit it in. seems this thing is wider than the normal set up and i had no idea. after some effort we have it in. this may seem all so very silly to you all...but growing up the idea of a side by side fridge was beyond my scope. one w/ a water/ice maker was something rich folks had. i'd maybe seen this thing once.

now this. all of these things...PLUS in STAiNLESS STEEL?? jesus...that's something Richie Rich had on TV. NOBODY i knew ever even SAW one of these. well...i've gone through the looking glass. at a damn reasonable price we got a damn fine machine. this thing was almost big enough to put the entire contents of the old fridge in the door. crimeny. anyway...

well hit the link above to see our stainless steel wonder.

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