Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Polly Tells you the GOP Talking Points!

I've been toying with this idea for a while. I'd like to do it weekly, but we'll have to see if I can keep it up.

Let me explain how this works. The Bush Campaign, the GOP, and like minded groups work in unison during the week to help the president (or the party) put forth the same general message. it changes every few weeks as needed. Well, I'm gonna fill you in on the week's talking point. i'll do my best to keep this updated as it comes and goes for the next 6 weeks.

This Week's Talking Point?

"Kerry has No Plan for Iraq."

It started last week and you'll see it continue. its a parry and lunge. Iraq is quickly falling apart. this is coming from GOP Senators, most news papers, Any general you can find that's alive and talking, and--of course--from John Kerry. All the while, Bush is talking about how great its going over there. this has gone on for so long it makes one wonder if he's just not being told what's happening? are the man's handlers afraid to let him know? we know he (claims) he relies on them and doesn't read the paper. (you know, its like we have our own 'Baghdad Bob'...as our President).

So how can you keep this up and not take some major lumps? GO ON THE OFFENSIVE. its the Bush Modus Operandi. if bush is weak in some area, attack the dems/kerry for the very same issue and cast off the scrutiny! Bush went AWOL? let's talk about Kerry's AWFUL service! who cares if it makes no sense, by the time the Media Echo-chamber gets done with it, we'll be on the next topic! you're guaranteed. this media doesn't care about HOW the story effects the candidate's chances w/ voters (whatever it is and whomever it effects), NOT the story itself. who CARES if its true or shows some real problems with our leadership??

We don't have reporters, we have bookies and they only care about the spread.

so that's it. i'm sorry this is late in coming as i think this one has just aboult played itself out, but that's your GOP theme for going against kerry. see if you pick up on this when you see a GOP supporter/operative in print, on the TV,or on the radio!

Now, the next time you see GOP talking head on TV or on the Radio, you can catch the spin coming at you before it can have an effect!

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