Wednesday, July 28, 2004

National Conventions...

every 4 years the conventions (both) are reported to have the 'worst ratings ever'. they are largely relics of the past and serve as a cheerleader event for the party. as a person that closely follows politics, i have to admit i rarely care to listen to more than 3 or 4 speeches. i have never been there and i understand that it is a big fun party, but i've never had a desire to go. i don't know if the convention is completely useless, but if someone like me just doesn't care very much, i have to wonder what John Q public thinks. i can imagine that years ago when you only had 3 channels to choose from, it may have been a bigger deal.

now? that's questionable.


Anonymous said...

I think its a white elephant. The West Wing did a thing about the conventions once. The argument there was that the convention was an integral part of the democractic process. That's just wrong though. The convention used to be where the decision was made about who would be the candidate. Now the process of the primaries takes care of that. I think that all the convention is now is a party, which is fine, I just don't think I need to watch hours and hours of boosters at a party.

Staci said...

Live from SOUTH CAROLINA...where the entire state is planning on watching John Edwards speak tonight gathered around TVs with friends and family! I will be watching my county's native son speak gathered around a 13 inch tv at the Greenville, SC Dem Party HQ....with 10 other foot soldiers..I am in HEAVEN here...I'm overqualified for what i am doing, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. It's very much like working for Amy, except we're slightly more organized, and PROUD to be democrats...why are you not online Mr. Pollan...I WANT TO START A BLOG!!!!!!!!

Angelika HausFrauSki said...

Hubby and I have been watching it every night this week. I don't know about its relevance to the election process, but I just like the emotional lift it gives me. Barack Obama's speech was fucking amazing.


Polly said...

what did you think about Edwards? i missed it. i heard Obama was good though! i was pleased with everyone on the first night. i heard Kennedy was just ok.

i hope this is a success.

Polly said...

any thoughts on sharpton tonite? do you think he helped?

Staci said...

I sat in tears all the way thru Edwards's speech...HOPE IS ON THE WAY...HOPE IS ON THE WAY....of course, i"m working with a ton-o-Edwards staffers and they all think he's a god...and I have to agree...he hit a homerun last night...and he had to follow Al Sharpton...who had our office SCREAMING IN DELIGHT....YES, HE HELPED...b/c he says what needs to be said. Period. Obama...fierceness is always welcome...and WHY ARE YOU NOT GLUED TO THE TV watching's inspriing...we watch the previous night's speech in the morning for inspriration...

The networks are only sowing ONE hour of the convention per night...and nothing on, it's not overload...i'm addicted to cspan online...

America needs to wake up and get in the fight. I don't care what side you are on unless you live in SC....but fucking stand up for something...and Al, obama, Ted, PrezCarter, etc ALL gave me reasons to stand up and work even harder..pep rally..SURE...but the dems need it...the republicans just want to grandstand.

my $0.02