Monday, July 12, 2004

"Fahrenheit" Fans Moore Diverse Than Thought

"Nearly half of the American electorate has seen or plans to see 'Fahrenheit 9/11,'" before WH 2004, according to a Greenberg Quinlan Rosner poll. "Fully 23% of voters who intend to see the film self-identify as Bush voters, while another 10% say they're supporting Nader or undecided. Forty-one percent of potential movie viewers reside in battleground states, which mirrors the national average of 40% of voters residing in battleground states." MoveOn PAC exec dir Eli Pariser: "Contrary to Republicans claims, it's clear that voters across the political spectrum want to see what Michael Moore has to say. The film has stimulated a conversation in households across America about the Bush Administration's decisions and actions" (release, 7/7).

Meanwhile, Mr. Mooch and I both still struggle to spell "Fahrenheit" with any consistency

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