Monday, August 25, 2003


Well, i got another letter in the Clarion Ledger. that's about 4 or 5 in three weeks. not bad. well another one ran today. i commented on it a few days ago when i printed it on my blog. its the one about columnist Matt Friedeman (note: your version below is what i sent HIM, the one to the paper was less personal). anyway, I've been under the weather lately, so i'm sleeping in, somewhat. I decided to sleep through a call, but heard it later. it was some little old lady that called, saying she'd "been read my letters to the editor and i know what you are--Ultra-Liberal Jew". haw! what a joke. this little old lady hates jews enough to assume i am one (i'm not) because she thinks only a jew could disagree with her politically. i've not even talked about religion in my letters, but i suppose that does not matter. this is the republican soldier. this is the person that the GOP 'code words' are supposed to work on. The code words they use to imply the bigoted, class envy they need to breathe. she has been taught that anyone else is an 'agitator' out to bring us down, so that when she hears certain ideas, with a wink SHE KNOWS just what's going on. its all a code to pull away at the foundation of america.

Well, no--its not code from me. I'm not bringing this nation down. I think its pathetic that a party pulls at this sort of hatred to create its base here in the south. This sort of thing was finally rejected by the democrats in the 1960s. thereafter, the GOP was ready with an un-ending message of 'come to papa'. you know what. maybe it IS a good thing. these people...if the GOP wants them, they can have them. more of the true bigots die off every year.

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