Monday, November 07, 2005

Republican Dirty Tricks: The Robo Call

LOOK AT THIS CRAP!!! The GOP is splicing various clips of the Democratic Nominee's voice together so that it sounds like he's for conservative stuff. pretty, in other words, par for the course!

From the Daily Kos:

Here's is an MP3 of the robocall from an answering machine. The quality is a bit ugh, so the transcript is included.

Robocall MP3

  • [Voice of Tim Kaine] I am running for Governor and I am not afraid to tell you where I stand.
  • I am conservative on issues of personal responsibility. As a former Christian missionary, faith is central to my life. I oppose gay marriage. I support restrictions on abortion: No public funding and parental consent. And I've worked to pass a state law banning partial birth abortion.
  • Paid for and authorized by Honest Leadership for Virginia PAC.
  • Registration number 05-034.
So here's the deal -- the Republicans took statements Kaine has made and spliced them together to put together this out-of-context call. The horrible music in the background is there to mask the splicing.

This call is being played in liberal areas. A different spliced version of the call, talking about how liberal he is on choice and all those other hot-button social issues, is being played in conservative areas.

And it's all being funded by the Republican Governor's Association, as Bob at the Swing State Project has noted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That takes BIG BALLS...but may be hard to prove in court- in the end, sending it out eh day before makes it next to impossible to react to...say "SEE WHAT THEY ARE DOING!"

But, I imagine the RGA will not come out pretty after this- there ass iwll be watched like crazy next year. And what an ugly a** to watch