Wednesday, May 26, 2004

"Chatter" from Al Qaeda about a Summer Threat

Bush's numbers are in the toilet (can we go below 40%? Mr. Mooch says 38% is the basement for his numbers, but we'll never get there. let's see if he's right).

What do you do? CHANGE THE SUBJECT!! (and fast!)

Bush's sole lead on Kerry (issue-wise) was fighting what do we get NEW ALERTS about terrorism this summer!

See if we GET ATTACKED, we can't let bush lose because we'd give the terrorists just what they wanted! if we DON'T get attacked but we get plenty of warnings...well...he's PROTECTING US! yay!

um...hey...wait a minute! that makes no sense!

to add to the confusion and uncertainty, the concerns were downplayed by the end of the day. (evidently confusion inspires people to vote republican? heh)

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