Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just Dreadful

I'm getting pretty sick of my insomnia. I went to bed a little after 3am twice in the last week. those were the "full" night's sleep. every other time was well after 4am. It's 7am now and i'm pretty sure my Sunday is now shot.



Rachel said...

what is up with your sleeping? i can't function on NO sleep. maybe you should try some warm milk...with whiskey in it...

Polly said...

Well, I'd take about anything at this point. perhas i should force myself to watch bad movies.

Rachel said...

or try counting sheep...
never force yourself to watch bad movies???

Polly said...

i did. when 4 hours went by and the sun came up, i gave up.

brd said...

My husband does this. Don't hestitate to see a doc to get something to jumpstart your sleep cycle. Some anti-angst potion may help.

Rachel said...

seth wants you to play video games tomorrow night. wanna come over?