Thursday, August 24, 2006

OK, I'm Glad I Don't Believe It...

Supposedly Bush has read SIXTY (60) books this year alone. that's roughly 2 a week while he's a "War President". I know of only a handful of people that can pull off this feat, (not the reading but reading and living their normal lives) and even THEY tend not to do this. Bush somehow finds this much time along WITH being president?? hardly. i'd fear MORE for our country if this was true. talk about having no one at the wheel!!

Of course he could mean 'audio books'. the man DOES a lot of traveling.


CSH said...

I know folks that can read that much in addition to other things, especially if the books they read aren't terribly taxing. Like, if he were reading Being and Time, I would be suspect but if it is short novels, even novels like The Stranger, it seems plausible. The thing is, if he is reading this much, why isn't it more obvious? How can that much reading not be evident in his being?

Polly said...

i'm not saying it can't be done, of course, but few jobs are as taxing as being president. nearly every president appears starkly aged after finishing the job. Granted, if we're talking small novels, etc it would be easier to pull off high numbers.

my thing is this: even though i know folks that can pull off those numbers (La Federala could beat that number by miles if she wanted), i know very few (if any) who actually DO this volume of reading. of them, none are President.

brd said...

bell hooks says she reads a book a day.

I'm wondering how long it takes to read a Louis L'Amour novel?

bundy said...

I don't find it all hard to believe. Clinton did a fair job of managing the nation and kept a fairly rigourous series of extramarital affairs going at the same time.

Polly said...

EXACTLY! because, you know, it's EXACTLY the same thing we're talking about here. EXACTLY.

Buck Allred said...

Do the LEFT BEHIND books count? If so, I might believe it.

Joe said...

Wow...did somebody actually "But Clinton!" this thread? Amazing.