Wednesday, November 03, 2004

And Another Thing...

I don't want to hear a WORD about Hillary Clinton winning this thing for us in 2008. i could not DREAM UP a worse idea.

I like her OK. she never set me off or made me happy. i've always been indifferent.

Think about this: Is there any woman on the face of the earth that inspires more hatred than her? really? Name them! i don't care if she deserves it or not. NO WOMAN ON EARTH would better galvanize the republicans than Hillary. perhaps no PERSON on earth. the only way i can think to make it worse would be if Jessie Jackson was her VP.

Look, i'm not trying to put these people down. i actually like them. Hillary just will not help us build our party, no matter how many people would like to see her run.

1 comment:

nijoli said...

Oh, come on!
The Republicans hate EVERY female in our party - and the males, too- of course they HATE Hillary.

But women love her. I know I do and most of the women I talk to. I think lots of otherwise non-voting ladies could get a fire under their ass to vote for a pro-choice liberal Democrat woman that they felt would truly represent them. Isn't it the female vote that wins elections? hee hee hee