Tuesday, April 12, 2005

More on the Judiciary from Harper's Weekly

Republicans held a conference to discuss ways to reform the federal judiciary, which they say has "run amok." Senator Tom Coburn's chief of staff said that "mass impeachment" of judges might be necessary, and Tom DeLay, who is under investigation for illegal fundraising, gave a pre-recorded speech entitled "Confronting the Judicial Waron Faith."
Evidently a "War on Faith" comes when judges won't brush aside constitutional rights to allow standing any law that congress feels like passing. Notice how often these folks talk about judges as if they were something in the way of their laws and views rather than a seperate, co-equal branch of government. Notice how LITTLE these folks concern themselves with the rights and interests of others. This comes greatly from the notion among evangelicals that what they are doing is sanction by god and somehow should not be second guessed by mere mortals.

Recently Madcap was posting here about some of the things the GOP Religious Conservatives are doing, and I have to point to this above. The Republicans have controlled the appointments of well over half of this nation's judiciary. maybe 2/3. what more could they want? I'll tell you. they want a dissolution of any real, meaningful seperation of church and state as well as a court that will serve to exert power on social issues they like, as opposed to judicially weigh the laws of congress against the rights protected in the constitution. the cry is often to find no right which is not spelled out exactly in the constitution. The notion that NO INFERENCE may be drawn from the constitution. if it doesn't SAY the words, it isn't actually a right. Stepping beyond the MIRIAD of arguments against that line of thought, think upon what would be lost. Abortion rights, protections against discrimination, the right to privacy...the list goes on and on. This, no matter what principle is asserted, is a tool to undo much of the social progress made over the last century. I'm not saying that the religious right are all commited to undoing these protections (though many are). what i am saying is that they don't mind losing ANY of these as long as the courts allow them to have more religious control over our daily lives. that is a theocracy and THAT is what they are pushing towards...whether they realize it or not.

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