Friday, February 20, 2004

I love Comic Strips

there is a blog called Catoptric, which is an awful name (sorry), and its really more of a collective because everyone under the sun (but me) is a contributor. lots of good stuff there and its all over the map, but one thing has really gotten me going lately.

a contributor nicknamed Gorjus, who holds an ultra secret job with real life spies, is also a cartoonist. he'll say he's an artist, and he is, but to me he's a cartoonist, because of all the things i like to see him do...i enjoy seeing his comic strips. (Ahem...the fact that i star in them from time to time has nothing to do with it...natch!). He puts them out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I usually think "i wonder what its gonna be this time" each night beforehand.

You should do yourself a favor. check them out 3x a week, and while you're at it, you should click on the calendar and look at the ones from the previous weeks.

NOTE: for the first time i used the word Gorjus. i never say that. i say Gorj. I'm just like that line from Cedric the Entertainer in The KINGS OF COMEDY:

Daryl: Everybody call me Delicious. You can just call me delicious.
Cedric: I'm a grown-assed man dog, I ain't gettin' ready to call no nother dude "Delicious"

and I ain't fixin' ta call no nother dude "Gorjus" you get Gorj.

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