Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Fordice is Dead

Kirk Fordice was my first taste of politics. in 1991 i met with nearly every candidate for governor from both parties and Fordice was by far the worst. He got the nomination and my young Conventional Wisdom said "well the current governor is as good as in. This guy is clearly awful."

I was half right. We got one of the worst governors in decades.

I remember, shortly after the election, i was driving down I-55 North near Countyline Road. i looked to the side and there he was...driving along in a white Lincoln. I immediately cut my car over 5 lanes to crash into him. No joke. i was a kid but it wasn't a childish act. it was pure impulse.

I finally realized about 3-4 feet away that this wasn't a good idea, so i righted myself. However, this was not before I'd run him off the road and saw the expression of fear on his face. It is a moment i savor privately but on this occasion i share with you dear readers.

Fordice made national headlines when he was calling for the President's impeachment but OOPS! got caught in a Memphis Airport with his mistress! the local cartoonist had a field day.

Also of note is the point of pride i had in that my father thought this guy was an idiot.

This article just has interesting quotes and is a quick read. However, one is missing the follow-up so i'll fill you in:

“The United States of America is a Christian nation.” —˚At a Republican Governors Association meeting, November 1992.
--to which another governor (i forget whom) said "i'm sure Gov. Fordice meant to say 'Judeo-Christian Values'". Which caused the governor to jump up and state that if he MEANT JUDEO-Christian values, he would have said so.

Nice. I hope the pitchforks are nice down there Kirk.


Anonymous said...

marshall ramsey's cartoons of fordice are a riot. he always looks pissed off and has that beret on his head. lord those are funny.

can't say i'm mourning the guy's passing.


Polly said...

who could mourn such a loathsome ass? He was genuinely foul person who did harm to thousands. he is one of the FEW people for which i have NO respect and for whom i have harbored only ill will. i think he's scum and i am hopeful that he, like all, is getting his just reward right now.

Anonymous said...

Man, you gotta check out the Ramsey cartoon today! Funny.

I always marveled at the footage that Bert Case and Don Spann (the photog) got of him. I would have peed my pants if I would have been there for that.

-Jas N