Sunday, June 13, 2004

Rich Parents Upset Their Kids Aren't Getting Into College so Easily

Oh man, i love this kind of stuff:

"Seven years ago, after a federal court outlawed the use of race in the admissions policies of the state's (texas) public universities, the Legislature came up with an answer: It passed a law guaranteeing admission to the top 10 percent of the graduating class from any public or private high school. After a few years of hard work, diversity was restored and other states, including California and Florida, adopted similar approaches. The law looked like a success."

So what's the problem? with so many poor, low income families getting into school now, the rich kids are having a harder time.

excuse me...i'm gonna have to stop typing now. my tears are making the keyboard slippery...


of course there are nay sayers:

The president of the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Larry R. Faulkner, says the law — which has pulled students from rural areas and from battered urban schools onto his campus — may need adjustment. The rule, he says, takes away discretion from the university's admissions office, making it harder to shape a class and ensure that certain kinds of students, like musicians, are included.


do that.

god knows we can't have the wrong kinds of kids getting a top notch education.

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