Saturday, September 27, 2003

CIA seeks probe of White House

I first heard of this via Al Franken. He mentioned it in passing on and interview show and i didn’t quite understand what it was he was talking about. Now i get it. If this story really has legs, its going to be a big deal. It is an NBC (and affiliates) exclusive right now. We’ll see how it grows. The Drudge Report is running it as its headline today.

As you know, the president sent an ambassador to Niger to investigate claims that Iraq bought or tired to buy Yellowcake Uranium. His investigation, as well as virtually all involved proved the allegation to be fabricated (as well as partially culled from a nearly decade old grad school paper). That wasn’t good enough for the President. There was a Saddam question to make and facts be damned! The president (in)famously went on to ignore this info and announce the transaction as a reason to go to war in his State of the Union address.

This summer, the gentleman that went to Niger, Joseph C. Wilson IV, wrote an article explaining what he found and how disappointed he was that the President used such a baseless argument in the case for war (that’s a polite way to say he lied). After this, someone in the administration decided to show Mr. Wilson just how much they didn’t appreciate him revealing the truth. What did they do? They outted his wife, an undercover CIA agent working on WMD’s! the administration was willing to compromise the lives and intelligence being gathered worldwide because they got caught in a lie. Suspicions have point fingers at Karl Rove and now at least one member of congress and the CIA is calling for an investigation as to who did it.

Check out the links.

Did Rove Blow a Spook's Cover?

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