Monday, May 24, 2004

Quick Notes on Old News

You may have THOUGHT Bush was incompetent when he knowingly used bogus information from Ahmad Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress (INC-exile group) in his build up to war (and most notably in his infamous State of the Union address).

It seems we've now entered into a new era of incompetence when that same man, trusted in providing the 'evidence' of WMD's and pushing for invasion, turns out to be....



now there is no way for me to know if this guy and his co-horts are spies, but i'm not the one saying it. Bush is. This speaks VOLUMES if our war effort and post-war planning was being whispered into the VP's ear by an operative from Iran! heck, he was the GUEST OF HONOR at the 2004 State of the Union address.

Chalabi has been accused of passing on Classified information to the Iranians (or at least trying to). now the question is, 'who in the administration gave it to HIM and the INC?' and 'what's gonna happen to them?'

Ah, i love the simple pleasures...

a summer breeze.
a nice glass of lemonade.
a president that doesn't rely on Iranian spies for his foreign policy decisions.

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